Yerba Buena Community Benefit Fund
Client: Yerba Buena
Project: Yerba Buena Community Benefit Fund
Service Area: Grantmaking Development, Grantmaking Support
Content Area: Community Development, Arts & Culture
In 2010, csb philanthropic solutions was brought in to help the Yerba Buena district develop a grantmaking program to distribute $150,000 annually.
Seeking improvements in their neighborhood, property owners in San Francisco’s Yerba Buena district voted to increase their property taxes to fund the Yerba Buena Community Benefit District.
csb philanthropic solutions was initially brought in to help the district develop a grantmaking program to distribute $150,000 annually to projects benefiting the neighborhood. We helped the grant committee identify goals and articulate grantmaking guidelines, resulting in a focus on public art, streetscape improvements, community engagement, and public safety.
After working with the committee and staff to develop the grant application and review process, csb philanthropic solutions was retained to review incoming grant proposals, conduct due diligence, and provide funding recommendations. We also implemented the grant reporting and evaluation process, including synthesizing report outcomes and writing the annual grantmaking impact report. We have continued to provide ongoing proposal review and grant reporting support for five years.