We partner with foundations and philanthropic collaboratives to design and launch new grantmaking initiatives
Our work is holistic and most often involves co-designing with the funding institutions, potential grantee partners, and other sectors and systems relevant to the particular initiative goals. We also offer ongoing project management, implementation, and evaluation support.
"In managing a $35 million grantmaking initiative, Cassandra and csb philanthropic solutions demonstrated outstanding project management, multi-tasking, and team facilitation skills. With Cassandra’s strong capacity for developing processes and working with a variety of stakeholders, she enabled us to meet tight deadlines and achieve our initiative goals."
- Erika Poethig, Director of Urban Policy Initiatives, Urban Institute (& former Associate Director for Affordable Housing, MacArthur Foundation)

We design, manage, and evaluate grantmaking initiatives by:
Assessing needs, conducting environmental scans, and identifying strong practices
Developing initial goals, approaches, and theories of change
Designing selection criteria, processes, and guidelines
Managing outreach to potential grantees, including site visits
Conducting due diligence, including stakeholder interviews, organizational capacity assessments, and financial health reviews
Facilitating selection processes and onboarding of grantee partners
Developing and implementing evaluation plans, including development of quantitative and qualitative evaluation measures and selection of external evaluators